Art & Design
Enhance your own creative endeavors through computation using Wolfram|Alpha's artistic tools, such as digital color blending, and image filters, textual analysis and photography specs. Dig deep into the history of art and design by comparing collections from famous artists, significant artworks, groundbreaking literature and contemporary monuments.
Play with color, tint and shade; blend; or find complements.
Compare colors:
Specify a color using red-green-blue (RGB) values:
Add two or more colors:
Complementary color:
Convert a hexadecimal RGB color to HSL representation:
See if your writing measures up to expectations.
Do document-length calculations:
Specify a language:
Specify a document type:
Learn more about your favorite works of art.
Get information about a work of art:
Compare works of art:
Look up a property of a work of art:
Examine influential works of literature.
Find the length of part of a novel:
Find the most frequent two-word phrases in a poem:
Alter an image with digital tools.
Apply a filter to an image:
Apply various effects to an image:
Apply a morphological operator to an image:
Detect features of an image:
Perform color processing:
Ensure an optimal display format is used.
Compute display characteristics from pixel count:
Specify pixel density:
Compare photo sizes:
Improve your digital photography skills.
Compute field or angle of view:
Compute other parameters:
Get properties of a photo size:
Compute the amount of supplies needed for an arts-and-crafts project.
Estimate the number of objects required to cover a specified area:
Estimate the number of objects required to circle another object:
Measure twice, compute unit conversions once.
Get unit conversions for a quantity:
Do a calculation with units:
Compare two quantities:
Generate various types of barcodes.