Compute anagrams and letter banks from any word or phrase.
Find anagrams of a word or phrase:
Find letter-bank words:
Compute anagrams and letter banks from any word or phrase.
Find anagrams of a word or phrase:
Find letter-bank words:
Solve tricky crossword puzzles with easy-to-use pattern matching and commonly used clues.
Find words matching a pattern:
Find words meeting certain specifications:
Find crossword puzzle clues for a given word:
Generate possible words and calculate word scores from any set of random letters.
Calculate Scrabble® scores for a word and its subsets:
Find words matching Scrabble® tiles on a rack:
Find rhymes for words in English.
Find rhyming words:
Determine words containing a set of letters.
Find words found within a specified set of letters:
Find words containing a set of letters, in order, only those letters or at least those letters:
Compute possible solutions to any simple cryptogram.
Find possible decodings of a cryptogram:
Explore possible meanings of common acronyms.
Learn what an acronym stands for: