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Music Acts
Find information about music acts.
Get information about a music act:
Find music acts meeting given criteria:
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Music Albums
Compare album release dates and tracklists.
Get information about a music album:
Request specific information about an album:
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Explore songs by composer or release date.
Get information about a song:
Request specific information about a song:
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Music Theory
Compute scales, intervals and chords.
Compute the frequency and other properties of a musical note:
Calculate the note corresponding to a given frequency:
Identify several intervals:
Get information about a chord:
Specify a chord using lead sheet notation:
Get information about a key signature:
Get specific information about a key:
Get information about a scale:
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Audio Waveforms
Generate sounds by specifying frequencies, waveforms or functions.
Generate sound with a specified waveform:
Superimpose multiple waveforms:
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Musical Instruments
Explore and compare instrument pitch ranges and classifications.
Get information about an instrument:
Find properties of an instrument:
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