Examples for

Color Systems

Whether you're working on the web or in print, Wolfram|Alpha allows you to specify, compare, convert and analyze colors in all major color systems. Look up colors by RGB values, convert between CMYK and HSV color spaces and compute chromaticity diagrams, nearby colors and more.

Color Systems

Specify and compare colors in all major color spaces and models.

Specify a color using red-green-blue (RGB) values:

Use a 24-bit RGB color specification:

Use a 24-bit hexadecimal RGB color specification:

Specify a color using cyan-magenta-yellow-black (CMYK) values:

Specify a color using hue, saturation and value (HSV):

Specify a color using hue, saturation and lightness (HSL):

Specify a gray level:

Specify a color using XYZ values:

Specify a color using CIELAB values:

More examples