Examples for


Since the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, the number of satellites that have been launched has risen to upwards of 30,000 objects. Track objects orbiting Earth using Wolfram|Alpha. Tracked objects include actively controlled satellites as well as space junk, comprised of expended rocket engines and abandoned or non-functioning satellites. Plot the orbits of the satellites around Earth, whether they are low-Earth (LEO), geosynchronous (GSO) or geostationary (GEO), and discover whether their paths are polar or equatorial.


Search for artificial satellites by name, which are often acronyms, or by their NORAD number or international designator, also known as the COSPAR ID or NSSDC ID.

Get information about a satellite:

Compare satellites:

Find out where a specific satellite is right now:

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Properties of Satellites

Discover and do calculations with properties of artificial satellites, including orbital properties.

Get a property of a satellite:

Do computations with satellite properties:

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Visible Satellites

Visualize the number of satellites overhead, which may number in the thousands. Many may not be visible to the naked eye.

Get data on satellites visible from your location:

Get data on satellites visible from a specified location:

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